
10 Ways to use LinkedIn as a Sales Tool


10 Ways to use LinkedIn as a Sales Tool

LinkedIn has always been a great way to improve your business and increase your sales and conversion rate. LinkedIn is more than just a place where you can meet professional people in the same industry and find a job. It is a great way to flourish and expand your business. For this follow following ways I order to use LinkedIn as Sales Tool:


1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile

With just optimizing your profile you can turn LinkedIn into a powerful asset which till now you were thinking as a liability. You have to make your profile look good because a lot of people are going to come and look at it if they are planning on buying your product so make sure you and your profile look professional.  


2. Stay active on LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is more than just a platform. There you can show your business’s true potential and a lot of people and quality people who will stay with your business as buyers for a long time. For that, you have to stay active and participate in all the activities there.


3. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator

It is a very important part of LinkedIn. Use this tool called sales navigation that LinkedIn provides that help a business to grow as it helps by connecting buyers and sellers uniquely.  


4. You can use it to search for customers

It is a place where a lot of professional people are active. You can search for people by following





You can search for a lot of people for your business.


5. Add every customer that you have in your LinkedIn profile

Add every customer that you have to your profile so that you can talk to them and stay in touch with them. In this when they will see your professional website they will have more trust in you and you can even ask them about the product and if something is missing or not.


6. Use their contacts as referrals

 Use this opportunity as an asset as when you will add them to your profile you can go and see their profile and search for a shared connection. You can contact them and encourage them to buy your product.


7. Use LinkedIn plug-ins

If you want to increase your sales through LinkedIn use plug-in that it offers. You can use LinkedIn plug-ins like share, company profile, member profile and many that you can add to your website to make it look good and to increase sales.


8. Join and participate in LinkedIn groups

It is a great way to know about your prospects before they know about you. Go and search for the groups in which your existing customers are and your potential buyers are part of and become part of it and stay active there so that you can earn more and more people.


9. LinkedIn’s InMail tool

By using this LinkedIn’s tool you can send direct messages to any LinkedIn member. You can use this to connect to your contacts and question and answer them any time you want. This will increase your chances to increase your sales.


10. Give social proof

Social proof is the best way to increase your sales. Social proof gives the proof that people are buying your product and it gives other people confidence and they started having trust in you and your website. 

There are lots of social proof tools out there but the best one is Fizfy Social Proof.

This app provides one of the best social proof notifications. Fizfy Social Proof helps in increasing the sales and turns your viewers on the website into the potential buyers and you will have an amazing experience with Fizfy Social Proof notifications.

Look at it here

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