

Online Store getting Traffic but Not getting Orders. Ways to Get Order & Sales


Online Store getting Traffic but Not getting Orders. Ways to Get Order & Sales

It is quite an issue among online stores, getting traffic but not getting orders i.e., no sales. Customers get to be very tricky and mysterious while purchasing or visiting the store. There can be many factors distracting the customer’s state of mind in purchasing from the store. But before heading for the solution, it’s really important to look after the issues of the store.

This includes navigation, brand look, and homepage, etc.


Winning the customer’s trust is very important in online marketing. Social proof notification, is proven strategy to increase and attract the sales of the store. It can be easily created using fitzy social proof. Fizfy Social Proof Software is Popular and widely used now a days.Online Stores use Fizfy to convert visitors to make purchases at their store and get more orders.

Contacting the customers and keeping touch with them often helps in winning the trust of the customers. Besides, promoting the website on social media platforms also helps in attracting the visitors for purchasing.


There is a vast category of websites in the case of online shopping. So, it’s really important to ease the website as per the customer’s requirements and benefits. Just like offline shopping, customers most likely to pick shops with easy customization and facilities by the seller.

The first thing is to attract the customers for purchasing is to introduce them properly with the navigation header menu. Visitors might consider knowing the company by viewing the footer menu which must include the proper authorization and details of the store.


The homepage must be designed according to the customer’s ease. As it displayed all the products and brands as a highlight. This helps and encourages customers to purchase from the store. The first thing to keep in knowledge is the look of the brand, which should be professional to attract the customers. Like, brand logo, color palette, brand identity, etc.

The website needs to copy speak as to attract the target audience. When the product text long and lengthy, it often bore the customers. So, the text should be precise and persuade the target audience as per need.

You must keep in mind the proper idea for your business. Customizing the website according to the customer is a major step in increasing the sales. Providing right product to right audience is really important. Besides, you should keep a regular check on your store for daily updates required by the customers.


Comment (1)

  1. fizfy
    19th February 2021 at 7:14 am

    Fizfy is social proof app that displays real user activity on your site to influence & convert your visitors into Customers

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