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Website getting traffic but No Sales & Conversions


Website getting traffic but No Sales & Conversions

How to increase Sales and Conversions?

Adding social proof  can increase your conversion rate. That’s why big brands like Amazon, WordPress, Mailchimp, and just about every other company, use social proof on their sites.

Using Social Proof Websites sales and conversions boost it increased CTR of website.

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior.

Website owners use social proof notifications as a tactic for conversion rate optimization by easing the minds of worried customers and they follow actions of others.

Showing the real-time notifications  when someone purchasing products  or purchased products notifications in certain time , or how many products sold in certain time, How many active visitors at page ,reviews many more widgets used to influence visitors to take action to buy products  & Signups , It increase website conversions.

Which Widgets used for increase Conversions and Sales?

  1. Recent Sales
  2. Sales Count
  3. Coupon Code
  4. Email Collector
  5. Callback Collector
  6. Active Visitors

Fizfy Social Proof Notifications have more than 33 Social Proof Widgets and all of them are used to increase sales and conversions.

Popular widgets Recent Sales and  Sales count  which helps to increase faster conversions.


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