

Ad Words Ads are Not Converting ? Know-How to Create Convertible Ads


Ad Words Ads are Not Converting ? Know-How to Create Convertible Ads

You have put a lot of efforts, time and money on your ads so it is obvious that you want it to work and you want your ads to convert. But there is no guarantee that it will work and it may also work depending on the quality of your ads. If it is not working then it simply means that you’re making some mistake in creating your ads.

Below are the few important ways that will help you and will tell you how to Create Convertible Ads.

  1. Make sure that your ads are connected to your landing page

Your ads must be connected to your landing page. Make sure that you are creating an ad that is well-aligned to your landing page because one of the main motives behind creating an ad is that people are easily able to reach to your landing page with the help of those ads. If it is connected properly to your landing page then your ads will be able to convert.

  1. Your content must be short and attractive

Keep this in mind your ad is small and different things that are added to the ad matters. When you are adding text to your ad make sure that it must be small, crispy, and to the point. Excessive content will only make it look bad and that ad will fail in converting.

  1. Use social proof

Using social proof in your ads is a great way of making your ads a Convertible Ads. What people lookout is for trust when they think of buying something from you. Trust is the key factor and for that social proof is an important thing. Social proof can be anything from reviews of your customers to their testimonials.

For giving social proof there are lots of social proof tools out there but Fizfy Social Proof is the best. You can check it out here at

Pricing of this software tool is very reasonable and affordable so here is the link where you can start your 7 days free trial:

  1. Use a catchy headline

A headline in an ad is what that captures the attention of the customer. Your headline must be effective, short and catchy. Your content will fail if your headline is not good. If you want to create Convertible Ads then use catchy, effective headlines.

  1. Use picture in your ads

Just using short content and catchy headline won’t make your ad a Convertible Ad, so for this, you have to add an attractive picture to it which will make it look complete and a proper image will shine the content and headline.

  1. If possible make a video

An ad just doesn’t mean a picture, headline and content. You can make it more appealing and good by presenting your ad in the form of video in which you are using pictures and all the things but it’s just you are using all these things in a video.