

Is your Google Ad Words getting you clicks, but no sales?


Is your Google Ad Words getting you clicks, but no sales?

Well, you have put a lot of money in your Google ads so it is obvious that you want to increase your sales and you want to flourish your business. Just thinking and paying for the ads aren’t enough you have to do something to increase your sales. It is the normal thing that you are getting clicks but not sales. Don’t think too much because you are on the right track but there are some things that you might be doing wrong. I am presenting you some of the points below that will tell what are the things that you might be doing wrong and solutions to fix them.


Cause of the problem


1. Poor optimization 

 It is one of the major reasons why you aren’t getting any sales. It is important to optimize your website and the landing page to increase your sales. You have to optimize your website for mobile phones because there are a lot of people who are active on mobile phones so make sure they aren’t facing any problem.


2. No landing page

Are you sure that your ad is directly connected to your landing page and or to the product which is advertising your product? If it is not better do that because when it is not it kills a lot of your sales and people will abandon your website in a second.


3. Make sure your landing page is good

When people click on your Google ad your landing page is the first thing they see and if it is not good looking, attractive and eye-pleasing than better make it because will surely leave it. A good looking landing page will leave the everlasting impression.


4. Because of junk content on your landing page

If people are coming on a landing page or a page which is showing your product then fill that page with resourceful, short and with important content. Don’t put junk there which will kill the customer’s mood. Make it up to the mark.


5. Don’t give too many offers

It is important to give limited offers because if you are giving a lot of offers on your landing page then the customers will be perplexed and that will kill your sales.


Now the solution to the problem is:


1. Use social proof tools

Use this to get sales by using ad words. Social Proof Tools are the new age tools used for Social Poof Marketing. You can use social proof tools to show the recent sales notifications which are a small popup and it is proved that other people have trust on your website and they are buying your products. By seeing that other people are buying it will attract more people and will increase your sales.

There are a lot of social proof tools but the best is Fizfy Social Proof Notification tool. It is the most popular social Proof tool. It allows you to use 40+ powerful widgets which you can use for convert your visitors into customers. You can go and check it out here at


2. Analyze your website

You must be analyzing your site because it will tell you, your flaws and then you can make the future decision according to that. You can’t make the future decision if you don’t know the past.


3. Make use of the images

Putting content on your landing page is necessary and ok but people will get bored if they aren’t seeing any visual content like images. Post the appropriate images with your content that will keep them interested and engaging too.


4. Use the videos

Yes, images and content are necessary but people prefer to listen more than reading and listening. Put videos there on your landing page to make it attractive and eye-pleasing. With videos, people will never get bored.