
Shopify Added Cart real notification using Recent Sales & Sales Count


Shopify Added Cart real notification using Recent Sales & Sales Count

If you have a Shopify store and you want to show the Recent Sales & Sales Count of  Cart Added Notification real which will build trust of visitors enguagement then this is the guide for you.

  1. First Choose Plan & Create account at Fizfy then Go Campaigns – Click on Create Campaign Fill Details Name , Domain and Subdomain.
  2. Click on Create Campaign , Configure Notification by filling details : Fill Name  and Submit.
  3. If you are using Shopify Store at your website then use Fill Conversion Title : Someone Recently!
  4. Fill Conversion Description ” For Example  Added Product In Cart!”
  5. Image URL you can use existing or you can change as per your Need.
  6. Notification URL Fill your Domain or any inner Page.
  7. Configure other all options as per your requirement then Click on Data which is in front of Customize.
  8. You will see Webhook and Auto Capture Data , Enable auto Capture Data and Enter your Cart Page . ex: .
  9. Copy Pixel from then Paste it here as Screenshot and Save that. 
  10. Now Enable Notification which you created. Its done.
  11. You can add Product in Cart and Proceed checkout you will see real Social Proof Notification.

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