Shopify Contact Form real notification using Recent Sales & Sales Count
Shopify Contact Form real notification using Recent Sales & Sales Count
If you have a Shopify store and you want to show theRecent Sales & Sales Count of Contact Form Query Subsmission that you are selling on your Shopify store, then this is the guide for you.
- First Choose Plan & Create account at Fizfy then Go Campaigns – Click on Create Campaign Fill Details Name , Domain and Subdomain.
- Click on Create Campaign , Configure Notification by filling details : Fill Name and Submit.
- If you are using Shopify Store at your website then use use unique name id either dashed Like contact-name Fill Conversion Title : {contact-name}
- Fill Conversion Description ” For Example Submitted Enquiry Form Recently!”
- Image URL you can use existing or you can change as per your Need.
- Notification URL Fill your Domain or any inner Page.
- Configure other all options as per your requirement then Click on Data which is in front of Customize.
- You will see Webhook and Auto Capture Data , Enable auto Capture Data and Enter your Contact Page . ex: .
- Copy Pixel from then Paste it to theme.liquid file and Save that.
- Now Enable Notification which you created. Its done.
- You can submit contact Form and test real Social Proof Notification.